Monday, March 1, 2010

Received Ready for Spring Exchange

My apologies for taking so long to make this post. I received my package from Karin over a week ago. It included this lovely Spring ornament, some pretty beads, orange eye pads and a delicious chocolate bar (milk chocolate topped with white chocolate with mint) that didn`t survive long enough to be photographed. LOL!!!!!!!!

Thank you, Karin!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be mailing my package out tomorrow.



Karin said...

I am so glad it arrived safely, I was starting to get a bit worried that it might have gotten lost.

Gillie said...

So pretty! I had the same thing happen on another group - only the packet and not the candy hearts hung around long enough to be photographed! Very strange, lol!

Yoyo said...

Those chocolates never last long enough for a picture....I guess they just melt (LOL). Lovely exchange!